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About Nature Sketching and Journaling: Join me, naturalist artist guide Mary McAndrew, in sketching, painting and experiencing nature through art. Just as I have shown you on my blog pages, filled with exciting sketching adventures from the USA to the UK, you’ll learn how to capture what you see in nature as we walk and explore. I have included some links at the bottom of this page to blog posts that are “sketching in nature” related.
Come explore nature with me as we work outdoors or indoors from real nature subjects. Whether it’s a weekly class or one day workshop we’ll learn drawing from life techniques that will improve your artistic skills in the field. We’ll learn how to identify subjects in nature and how to draw them. We’ll learn foundation drawing skills and how to use pencil, permanent ink pen, color pencil, watercolor pencil and watercolors. I’ll also introduce you to the water brush and how to use it. This is a fun class that will teach you how to capture nature on paper while your out enjoying it, and help bring your skills to a new level.
I can offer my class to your group, whether it’s school children, retirement homes or art groups; everyone loves my classes and has a good time learning! Please call me if you’d like to talk about the possibilities of what we can arrange.
What we’ll do in class:
- Create your own Nature Journal (a handmade sketchbook taught in designated classes).
- Create your own Art Kit for sketching and painting in the field.
- Work with pencil, color pencil, watercolor, watercolor pencil,permanent ink pen.
- Learn how to do studies of plants, flowers, birds, leaves, trees, clouds, bugs…you name it!
- Identify local wildflowers, plants, birds, trees and more from our sketches using field guides.
- Introduction to landscape drawing and painting.
- Learn basic drawing skills– value, shape, texture, gesture, shadow and light
- Learn how to see “Simple Shapes” + use “Comparative Measurements”.
Contact me to inquire, I’d love to talk to you about our next adventure!
Adults and Children Welcome in ALL my classes!!
Enjoy pictures from some of my classes below
Some of my Blog posts for you to explore: scroll down and make sure you catch the older posts too!
Posts related to Field Sketching and Painting
Posts from England 2010 (spring through fall) (there are other posts from England, just click on the different categories in right hand column on blog page)
Posts with Step by Step Demonstrations (ignore the ones on oil painting, they won’t be taught in this class.)