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Yup that’s me!

Welcome! I love a variety of subjects but focus mainly on nature, using many different mediums to express myself. I do much of my work out ‘in the field’ in sketch journals and sometimes paint plein air landscapes; all this inspires me when I work on illustrations in the studio. In my travels to the UK I’ve not only fallen in love with the inspiring scenery but also a British gentleman! Now I live there so sign up on my BLOG to follow my latest adventures and creative explorations!

Below are popular links and some of my new paintings, sketches and needle felt characters.

Gallery – Paintings and Drawings




Coming soon, I’ll be offering prints and note cards again now that I have a new printer on the way! Watch for news about it here.*

I have an exciting SHOP on ZAZZLE with all kinds of gifts, notecards and t-shirts with my paintings, photography and designs on them. Click this link for the shop home page:* and select different folders to see my designs.

Here’s a few of my paintings, field sketches and other creative endeavors :

Watercolor from back garden


“Two Leverets”, gouache.


“Blackberry Picking Mouse” my new watercolor illustration.



Mice in my Gallery!


Pature Lane

“Pasture Lane in Early March” click to read my blog post


A New Painting for Sale! oil- click to see it in my gallery


“Bridge of Pauperhaugh” Northumberland England –


Red Cattle in the Field, Nortumberland England – click to read blog post, see more sketches and read poem.


Limpets, Periwinkle and Bladder Wrack

Limpets, Periwinkle and Bladder Wrack-click to go to blog post about this sketch.


"Fields above Edlingham"

“Fields above Edlingham” -Click to visit my blog post about this hike in England!



“Groundhog” watercolor commission


“Bird’s Nest in Winter” click to read my blog post about this!

Please keep visiting as I add more artwork, most new work is on my Blog page.