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Juncoes and Ladybugs 1-30-08

Today I sketched some quick moving juncoes, a chickadee and cardinal that came by the feeder. Having a window feeder is great, you can really get a closer look at the small birds, especially when seed drops on the roof too. I noticed the juncoe males are a very dark, uniform slate grey. I always thought they were all this way, until seeing them this close, I realize now that the female has a lovely brown mixed in especially on it’s back.
Oh yeah, the weather was just terrible that day, you can see on my notes.
Then, as I teach students in Nature Sketching classes, if you can’t or don’t want to go outside, there’s always something to draw. I studied some lady bugs up close. If you take a look at things with a magnifying glass you’d be amazed at what you missed before!

I hope you enjoyed the sketches.