I’m excited to share my latest little illustration called “Blackberry Picking Mouse”. It’s done mostly in watercolors with only a tiny touch of gouache and it measures 6″ x 6″. It’s not for any book in particular, I just enjoy making up little scenes using mice, bunnies etc., especially when they are in nature.
“Blackberry Mouse” watercolor, ink and a touch of gouache.
I’ve created a video on my youtube channel where I talk a bit about it and then show a slide show of the stages of painting beginning to end. It’s really great to watch and see what parts appear next and see how I’ve changed some things. When you watch it, keep an eye on the butterfly!
I have a few little (square) mouse paintings I’m working on, they make such a nice collection! I’m planning to make a note card collection with them if I can save up enough to buy a printer.
Follow this link to watch the video on my channel, and please leave me a comment there of what you think about it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=94qef86aFeI It would be doubly great if you subscribe and share my links, that would really help me get started on the channel!
I’m finding it fun to shoot videos when I’m out in the garden, where I’ve been spending most of my time. Capturing from the beginning, our living here in Scotland in a very old stone cottage. I’m hoping to do more sharing there of my going out field sketching or maybe to show stages of painting like the “Blackberry Picking Mouse” illustration.
It really fires me up when my readers leave me comments so please do leave them here or definitely on the Video! Cheers and enjoy!
PS. I have a private video I’ll be sharing here on the website soon, of a walk Gary and I took, it’s just music playing, no talking. I really like it but we’ve decided for this one to keep it just for the folks who find it here on my website!
It’s been such a long time since I posted here on my blog. We’ve all been through quite a lot the past two years haven’t we? Well to add to my stress and at the same time happiness, we’ve moved from England to the Scottish Borders! Moving during a pandemic when they kept closing the borders was so stressful, but we’re moved now and getting settled in.
This is one of the first paintings I did at our new place, while standing in our back garden looking at the hills and sky. It’s a very small watercolor and I wrote the names of birds I could hear at the bottom while I painted.
We are still discovering just how beautiful our new area is, the Borders are wild and quiet, just what we like. The whole process of moving and settling in and creating new garden beds has and continues to, take lots of my time.
I unpacked paintings I hadn’t seen since I moved to England, has it been 6 years? More? They are like old familiar friends, and now many are hanging up where I can see them.
I will be focusing on getting a new printer set up and organizing proper selling of my prints and originals from my website. I’ve never had the chance to really do it right! Now I also have the fun little needle felted characters which I look forward to making available to buy soon.
Some new friends! I love creating these one of a kind characters, totally posable and unique!
I have a YouTube channel that has been sitting waiting also, so lately I’ve been adding videos so I can get back into it. Now with the house, gardens, new studio set up, new lands to explore, I’ll have lots to share there! Please go look, “Like” and hopefully “Subscribe” to follow my endeavours! Here’s the link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnrD9rYXZ6KWYeDRElAvGyw I’ll get better at it as I go, I’m learning a new video editor called “ShotCut”.
Here I’m sketching along the river near our house, just up the valley. I need to get out to do this more often, the garden has been keeping us both busy!
I have really missed sharing here and can’t wait to get back to it. I have lots of new artwork to add to the Gallery too. What’s been holding me back in many areas is just figuring out how I want to redesign my website Galleries. I’m also having trouble receiving email notifications when someone leaves a comment! I need to find help for that issue with Word Press.
Finally I got my watercolors and color pencils set out, here I am working on an illustration for my new granddaughter, I’ll share more about that later!
So, has anyone missed me? What have you kept busy with during this pandemic and are you OK? I miss talking to the great people who leave comments for me here, you always inspire me to keep creating!
I’ll share some pictures below of our area and some more studies.
Sketching “Rubers Law” from the top of “Bonchester HIll”, and boy was it windy and cold! Very hard to draw, but look at that view!
This is a small unfinished gouache study of our back garden and byre (barn).
One of my illustration studies, I love the ‘old style’ like this and find drawing bugs really fun!
On a cold day, the sun is lighting up the hills far to the west. This is looking over our garden in the front where we are creating a small orchard.
There’s also new wildlife to discover here, this is a Green Hairstreak butterfly, with metallic green wings! It flew up out of nowhere when I was by the byre and settled on the Honesty I had planted. I was so excited!
Well that’s all for now, so much to share! Please don’t be shy, leave me a comment and I’ll check back here to reply to all. I hope you’re all keeping well, see you soon with another post or YouTube video!
Sketching from my new little book “Old Possum’s Book of Practical Cats” by T. S. Eliot, illustrated by Edward Gorey.
I used to watch a show on Public Television that was called Mystery Theatre and the introduction to the show used animated illustrations by Edward Gorey. I’ll never forget his style and I really liked that intro, I found a clip of it on YouTube, click here to go to it. And there’s a second one with a few different scenes, click here to see those. It really brings back memories! So when I saw this book for sale on Abebooks I just had to get it, not just for the illustrations but I was curious to read the poems by T. S. Eliot.
I did a whole page of cats based on the illustrations in the book.
I had fun sketching the cats from this book because they’re whimsical and all done in ink. The difficult thing is I did the sketches in the car while Gary was driving, do you know how curvy (and bumpy) the roads are here?! It was hard to draw! So it was when I got home that I went over the pencil drawings with permanent ink pen.
What a great expression! Cat #1 after Gorey.
Above is the first cat I did after Gorey. Though the cats were pretty simple I did learn some things by studying Gorey’s illustrations. I really like the way the pattern on his back looks and the close ink lines to shade him. The eyes I did on the cats are a little bit different, you can’t help adding your own take on things.
Cat #2, pretty simple, love those eyes and whiskers!
Cat #2 was a simple black one, I liked the whiskers and eyes and how he looked on that curved ball. In the book he was actually on top of a pillar with a ball shape on it, it’s right on the cover. I changed it to simplify and draw all the cat, I also gave him eyes that I wanted!
Rah Rah, shish boom bah!
Cat # 3 looks like he’s at a sports event, clutching a hamburger! This one was loosely based from another cat on the cover holding a flag, I made him lighter and changed his face a bit.
Cat #4 is wearing spats, what a dapper fellow!
This is Cat #4, “Bustopher Jones”, the cat about town. He was cool, I liked that he had spats on his feet! But I had to laugh, when I looked back in the book just now to get his name, I realized I forgot his tail in my drawing! haha
Cat #5, I love his mid air jump and expression.
Cat #5, what a face! I love his spots and the expression on his face. Gorey sure liked to give his cats long whiskers too!
Cat #6, another jumping cat!
Cat # 6 is another jumping cat, or maybe he’s flying? I like how the spots were made with small ink strokes.
Bustopher Jones returns.
Cat # 7 our friend “Bustopher Jones” has returned. I really liked this one and the poem wasn’t bad either. I didn’t love all the poems in the book, but I still haven’t read the whole thing either.
Cat # 8 is a sleepy old cat called “Old Deuteronomy”.
Cat #8 is “Old Deuteronomy”, I liked his sleepy expression and fading stripes, also the way Gorey simplified him with no back legs and great position of the front legs.
Now we’re onto ‘my’ cats, inspired by Gorey.
Then another day I did some sketches inspired by Gorey’s drawings but I tried to change them up a bit with poses, expressions, markings and shorter whiskers! See my individual cats below.
Cat #1, our for a stroll with a walking stick.
For cat #1 I used that fur pattern I liked here and had fun with the expression on his face. Is he saying hello to a friend or is something coming and he’s putting his paw up to say stop?
Cat # 2 sitting easy on a satin pillow.
Cat #2, there’s a lot I like about this one. I like his eyes, the shape alone gives him a kind sort of look, and wide eyed. Then there’s those graphic spots and before I knew it I drew a pillow and a mouse for him! But he doesn’t look like he’ll eat the mouse.
Cat #3 is a pretty cat with longer fur.
Cat 3# ended up a white cat, with a bit more furry looking coat. I added a ball of yarn to give it something to play with.
Cat #4 is fun, either dancing or maybe ice skating?
And Cat #4 was fun to draw, making up that pose. It looks like he’s ice skating or maybe dancing? A few light spots here and there and some cheek puffs for good measure.
Cat #5 is like the other laying down cat by Gorey.
Cat #5 is like the other laying down cat by Gorey but I changed the position of the feet and added back legs. I like his little surprised expression.
Cat #6 is a typical old style black cat.
Cat #6 is a typical old style black cat like you’d see in Halloween illustrations. Usually when the back is arched the cat is shown as scary, but mine is just stretching, I can almost feel him pushing his shoulders up into that ‘cat’ stretch and stretching his claws out as they do. I was very careful to leave a white line for the mouth when I drew the black ink on his face, and his eyes have that friendly shape too.
Cat #7 is plump and wearing a tie!
Cat #7, I like this one! He’s plump and has huge eyes. I also tried to not fill him in totally with ink so there was a bit of texture on him. A little shadow helps to show off his white toes too.
That’s it for all the cats! Please tell me what you think of the sketches and what you thought of how I made up my own. I really had fun doing these, they were pretty easy for me so it was relaxing if anything. Hope you enjoyed them!
You can also find me on Instagram as “mary_mcandrew_artist” and my facebook art page is “Mary McAndrew Painting and Illustration”, I post random things I’m working on and sometimes views outside.
Many times I really want to share photos from our walks here in Northumberland England or from the Scottish Borders, where we’ve been driving to a lot this summer and autumn. The problem is my posts have been infrequent due to time and when they get long it feels like it will just be too much. Also, I used to have more time while out to sit and do a watercolor study and then share that as a post. It seems we just have time to pop out for a walk and there’s no time for poor deprived me to do any artwork!
So I thought I’ll just do a separate post and just pop a bunch of nice photos on to share with you some of the beauty of this area, which truly inspires me as an artist and human being. I hope you enjoy them and maybe this could be something I do more often, what do you think?
SCOTTISH BORDERS – Langholm area
A beautiful view up the lane near Langholm.
So first I’ll share some photos from our drive up to the area around Langholm, Eskdalemuir in the Scottish Borders.
This was our view as we had lunch in the car.
We pulled up, well backed up into a gateway area and this was our view across the valley from us. It was pretty cold and misty outside but Gary made hot coffee on our little gas camp stove behind the car, it was so welcome!
This is a little closer view, just look at that hill on the left!
When I look at these hills, though they’re really pretty high, I feel I just want to start walking and get to the top! But that hill on the left is quite steep looking!
From inside the pine forest, how beautiful!
The above picture I shot when we had a pitstop for a ‘wee’, somewhere in the vast hills. It was so quiet and I love, especially at this time of year, there’s not many people around.
This was shot from the car window, that’s the town of Bentpath at the base of the hill.
We went through an area we explored a bit last year, the valley and hills of Eskdalemuir, NW of Langholm. The tiny town you see above is Bentpath. I love how it’s situated with the gorgeous hills behind it, such a tiny place along the river.
Coming over the moors, wide open and free.
I like that view of coming over the open moorland, no barriers. Sometimes you see sheep wandering around across roads like this up here.
Sunset on our way home, I just love the colors and those clouds!
And to finish a nice day, a beautiful sunset to send us home to Northumberland.
COQUETDALE – Rothbury + Thropton area
Two beautiful tups or rams, how bonny are they?
On this day we went for a walk between Rothbury and Thropton, we park on a back lane and walk up through fields and end up on a very ancient lane called Physic Lane. Many times they have rams in some of the fields we pass, so I was happy to see these two fellas above. I don’t know anything about why they are colored like that, it’s not natural color, so I’ll have to find that out.
One of my favorite kind of stiles to go over. built right into the wall.
Above, you see a very old type of style, it’s stone and built as part of the wall. I love it because it’s so permanent, though you do have to take care when you use it because they’re narrow and there’s usually nothing to hold onto. And yes, the stones go down the other side too!
A view down Physic Lane, just a grassy path now.
I love photos of gates in the countryside and would like to do more paintings of them. This gate is typical in style, a very practical farm gate to keep livestock in (or out). This is one part of the old Physic Lane, some parts you can see the old cobbles under the grass. Physic Lane dates back to the Medieval time, as there were two known hospitals in the area. It’s believed the monks who ran it would gather herbs along this lane and I know for a fact there is a great number of Elderberry trees along part of it, and this is a great healing plant with it’s berries and flowers being used. I know it’s a dull day for a photo but I love how the Bracken is changing color along the lane too, I just love it’s Autumn colors.
Though it’s a misty overcast day, it’s still a beautiful view of Coquetdale valley, one of my favorite places!
I just love Coquetdale, so named for the River Coquet that runs from up in the Scottish Borders down through this valley. It snakes it’s way along, added to by little streams that run down from the moors, clean and cold. Then it winds it’s way along and reaches the coast at Warkworth Castle. But on this walk we don’t see much of it, so maybe I’ll share photos of it in a future post. What you can see are the Simonside Hills across the valley, a very popular set of hills to hike up.
One part of the walk has huge boulders scattered on the hillside.
One part of the walk has huge boulders scattered on the hillside. I just love big boulders that form crags on many of the hills around our area. They are full of interesting layers from when they were formed and huge cracks where they split apart from years of freeze and thaw and general wear. They’re kind of like architectural elements sitting in the countryside!
My favorite mushroooms are these, Fly Agaric.
Fly Agaric mushrooms are my favorite kind, I can’t resist the bright red orange of their caps and the little white ‘bits’ that appear there too. I just loved how these appeared to line a path, like maybe they were magically put there by a fairy to decorate the way?
NORTHUMBERLAND – Above Eglingham
I’m a sucker for pictures of tracks through grassy fields!
Then on another day we went for a short walk that we did years ago, above Eglingham, but this time we went further up the fields. It’s very open there with far reaching views of moors, grasses, heather and distant hills.
We found a huge boulder sticking out on the hillside.
We found a huge boulder sticking out on the hillside, so naturally we were attracted to it. I guess others have been too because some nitwit carved a big heart into it and then names and a date. We don’t find this attractive at all or nostalgic, we just find it annoying and a disturbance to what we consider perfect as is, nature left alone. OK rant over!
We enjoyed sitting on said rock for quite awhile, just enjoying the view, talking about things going on in our life and because it was very windy and cold, keeping out scarves wrapped around our faces.
There were wonderful little mushrooms growing around the boulder.
There were nice little mushrooms growing all around the boulder, on all the different levels of rock, where ever there was soil and grass growing. What I liked about this boulder was there were so many flat parts to sit on, all on different levels. I’m certain this rock has been popular for sitting over many, many years!
Here’s a view from the boulder where we sat.
I included a photo to show you the marvelous view we had from the boulder top, it just keeps going on and on. I love the color in autumn of the bracken and heather, just wonderful browns with a hint of burgundy.
This is another photo of the view from the boulder.
And here’s a photo just showing the view in landscape format. I want to go back up there and see it in different seasons. Also as we sat and studied the land and hills before us, we try to see where tracks, gates and paths might be so we could explore further on another day. When I see land spreading out like this I get the feeling of just wanting to walk and walk to get to further hills. Getting back might be a problem when I’m all tuckered out!
Just to show you how chilly it was, there’s me bundled up!
Just to show you how chilly it was, there’s me bundled up! It was soo cold and windy, but sometimes that really gives you energy, as long as you don’t sit still too long. I had to crop Gary out as he does not like his photo shared! I like snapping some selfies from our walks, it really is nice to look back on later and gives that more personal feeling and memory of our day out.
I hope you enjoyed a glimpse of some of the wonderful views we’ve seen lately. I do have more to share so you may see some other posts like this, just to share some photos. Do you think this would be good?
Hello everyone! As I said in my previous post about the toad in ink, I wanted to try and do some ink drawings in the month of October for what’s called “Inktober”. It’s a challenge that artists do to try and create ink artworks maybe everyday, but I knew I would never be able to do that!
So I did get this little drawing of the “Mossy Fairy House” done using inks and I did a bunch of fun cat cartoons. I’ll share them next time I think, there’s not many but it was a lot of fun! This Fairy House was a good practice for me as I did it entirely with brushes, no ink pen. I’ll show you from start to finish the stages it went through, it’s more interesting and educational in my opinion.
This shows the very beginning next to the reference photo.
I sketched my drawing out on a 5×7″ piece of bristol board that I taped to a piece of clear plexiglas. I like using this a lot in the studio, I use it like this and it’s easy to lay on top of reference materials or you can put a lamp behind when you need to trace from your sketch. I also put a piece in front of current illustrations that are leaning behind my easel on the table, don’t want any paint splashes on them now do we?
Anyways, the reference photo is one I shot years ago while hiking in the woods near our village, there is NO shortage of luscious moss growing here in England! It was growing on some rocks that had fallen down ages ago and to me, well it just looked like a Fairy house! What would you think if you saw it?
Starting to brush ink in, deciding how to make it look more ‘house’ like.
Then I started to brush ink in, trying to decide where to go with this, because the whole thing has got to come from my imagination. I added two ‘windows’ but never felt right about them. You can see I sketched rocks behind and added a chimney.
More ink as I pick out the rocks of the wall and put some smoke from the chimney.
More ink goes on as I pick out the rocks of the wall and put some smoke from the chimney. I also add one Digitalis or Foxglove flower behind. This grows commonly here and I love it, so do the bees!
I add more flowers and the path to the Fairy House.
Now I’m adding more flowers behind to fill it out (or fill it in however you want to look at it!), and I start to make a path lightly in grey wash. I also flick in some simple grass to start to set a scene, thinking all the time, “what will I put in the foreground?”. I would like to make it a nice illustration and add a fairy but nothing was hitting me.
I next do a bit on the stones on my mossy fairy house.
Then I start to add washes to the stones of the wall. This was fun because I got to look back through my reference photos of stone walls, which inevitably takes me MUCH longer than it should because I end up thinking about all the different walks it took to get all those photos! Actually more than that, it’s seeing so many photos of things I’d love to paint and this distracts me like crazy! Haha…oh well back to little mossy fairy house!
Now I’ve set up in front of my laptop so I could look for reference photos I’ve saved.
This photo shows I’ve moved off the easel, I’m done with that little reference photo and am looking up reference photos on my laptop to get inspired for the greenery in front. You can see how I’ve put my ink out, this is a little jar of Speedball Acrylic Ink, next to it is a small jar of water and they are sitting in a plastic paint mixing tray. The ink is permanent so I know I was taking a chance on permanently staining the tray, but it’s ok, I’ll use it for ink now. My brushes are resting on a tiny paintbrush stand I got years ago with a set of chinese brushes and ink. I have a small scrap of paper between the art and the ink, this is for testing marks etc. It kind of looks like I made a Jack O’Lantern face doesn’t it?
Now I add more ferns and flowers to the fairy house.
Ok, so the way the windows looked like two stark dots was bugging me, enter my husband. I like asking him his opinion as he has a sharp eye and doesn’t hold back on opinions! (though sometimes not what I want to hear!). He right away pointed out he didn’t like the windows, they looked too symmetrical, yes, that’s it, they had to be changed! It was nearly impossible to rub out or lift the black ink so I resort to illustrative techniques….out comes the white gel pen! I drew in pencil first how I wanted the fern to go and as you can see I added more in the foreground too. I drew on each leaf with the white pen to make it show, perhaps gouache would have worked well but it’s so tiny I opted for the pen.
Here’s a close up showing my waterbrush used to create a wash of ink around things.
You can see I have my waterbrush out now, this is great for making the soft shadows around the plants. I shot a video clip with my cell phone showing a bit of this. Next time I’ll try and set it up on a holder – tripod or something. I first paint the outline of the plant, then you can either let it dry and go back to it or try to quickly brush along the edge to draw the ink out. I usually like to get the drawing done first so I can think about where I want the ink wash shadows to go all together.
I was able to upload the clip to my YouTube channel, click here if you want to check it out! If anyone knows of some free program that compresses your videos please let me know in the comments, I have an awful time uploading videos.
Now we’re back on the easel, working on those plants!
Now we’re back at the easel and I’m working on adding more ferns, flowers and details in the foreground.
Almost finished!
Well we’re almost finished now, I lift a light patch inside the doorway, I really wanted to add something but felt the pressure of wanting to be done too. I’ve left a ‘free’ area on the grass in front of the Fairy House in case I come back to it later with a little fairy or creature. Something that bothered me about the drawing too is how I added so much dark under the house and it looked disconnected from the ground too much, do you know what I mean? So I tied it down a bit by adding grass blades with the help of the white pen and drawing grass with my ink.
And it’s finished!
Here’s the final drawing finished. It came out nicely I think, mostly I’m pleased with doing something that looks a bit different for my style. Adding the black background and darkness in the foreground I find to be exciting looking and graphic. I’m not happy about the smoke from the chimney and could have gone back with a wash of white gouache, but I really was trying to push myself to just use ink. Someday maybe a fairy will find it’s way in here, but that will probably be if I do another version of it. I was ready to say it’s done and get onto the next thing! I’ll share that next, some fun little cat cartoon drawings inspired by illustrator Edward Gorey!
I hope you enjoyed seeing the steps to this little ink drawing, please leave me a comment or any questions below. Cheers!
Hello my dear friends, did you miss me? Well life has just gotten so busy and time went right out the window, I’m sorry about that and feel guilty for neglecting my blog. But here I am to add something new and hopefully start sharing more too.
Have you heard of Inktober? It’s an artist’s self initiative to produce work for the month of October and all has to be ink. I’ve always wanted to do the self challenge because I love drawing with ink, but shied away because of the pressure to produce and being busy. Well I’ve decided (as we all should) to do it in my way, I’ll do some as I can and that’s good for me! haha.
So recently we had a surprise visitor, a tiny frog that came hopping out of my studio, all the way at the back of the house! Now I know this post is about toads but we’ll get to that shortly! We’re not sure if he came in when Gary had the door open to feed the hedgehogs or what but he needed to go outside. This summer I made up a little pond using a ‘tubtrug’ shallow plastic tub, filled with water, rocks and sticks and a tiny solar pump that squirts a bit of water to make some movement.
This is the little pond I made from a shallow plastic tub.
I’ll tell you what the birds have been loving it, the pheasants drink right at the sides and little birds land on the various pieces of old slate or the sticks to drink. I was excited to watch both the Robin and Blackbird take really good baths in it, splashing all around, it was great! The little water pump just makes a little ‘blurp’ or water repeatedly or when the sun is really bright it flows like a little drinking fountain; it’s supposed to be just enough to get the birds attention and keep the water circulating a bit.
Such a tiny frog, what was he doing in my studio?
So back to the frog, we took him outside (it was night-time) and put him in the pond and watched until I was sure he could also get out. You see even a frog can drown if it can’t get out of a tub type thing so be careful when you put water in containers outside. He did just as I expected and kept swimming around and around to the sides, which were too high for him. The way the rocks were situated he could easily have climbed on them and got out, but he had a one track mind to go around the edges. So I arranged some sticks and weeds at the edge so he had lots to grab onto at the rim, and he duly obliged by climbing up then out. Great, now I know if one goes in it can also get out.
Baby frog hopping away in the wet grass.
So on the way back into the house I stopped Gary just before he stepped on a little toad in the dark! This is a real wildlife night! So we took him to the pond, just so he would know about it, I took lots of photos then he got down in the long grass between some pots and it was goodbye! That’s him below, we shone two torches (flashlights) on him for the picture, it worked great.
Then another day I was in my back garden planting strawberry runner babies and I looked down and there is a decorative ceramic pot full of rainwater was a little toad, swimming and desperately trying to get out! Poor thing, I scooped him right out and took him to the pond area too, took some pictures and he warmed himself in the sun awhile before leaving.
Little toad had a nice dip then soaked in some sun before leaving.
So now you’ve patiently waited to hear how Inktober fits in here and to see some artwork! I’ll show you the two drawings I did and some of the stages as I worked, I took a few pictures with my cell phone. (By the way, I share a lot of pictures like this on my Instagram account “Mary McAndrew Artist” and on my Facebook page “Mary McAndrew Painting and Illustration”, you can easily follow me on those and see lots of photos as I draw, paint or see things outside in the garden or from walks.)
Toad #1 showing my pencil drawing and the start of the inking.
I want practice using my dip nibs and ink so that’s what I used here. The ink was a bit old so I struggled a bit until I added enough water to thin it again; I used Rapidograph waterproof ink.
Here I’ve gotten more of his bumps on.
You can see on this second picture I’ve put a bit of a light wash of ink, using a brush and water, down his arm, face and side.
Toad #1 finished
You can see I added more washes to the toad, finished his ‘bumps’ (I hate calling them warts, it’s not nice for the toads image!) and put some tone under him to set him off. I also used a white gel pen to put tiny dots on the bumps where needed.
Toad #2 at the drawing stage.
You can see in my drawing above of Toad #2 how I used simple ovals to place his feet and leg parts. I sketched simple ovals and circles to get him basically laid out and then could correct the proportions of him before adding details.
The drawing stage basically done.
Above you can see the drawing stage is done, toes are all on but not every bump.
I started adding the ink with a dip nib.
I’ve started adding the ink now with a dip nib, but this time I am using Higgins “Black Magic” ink. It said it’s waterproof but later I find this wasn’t totally true!
Then there’s always a chance of ink spots!
Ah yes, things were going ok but I was struggling with old ink with clumps, adding water and trying to wipe off my nib when needed. Somehow in all this I did manage to drip ink on the drawing, argh! I wasn’t too upset because this is just a study and I’m trying to be a bit loose with it.
I did some ink washes on the body to show form.
I found the ink was not so waterproof when I tried to do washes with a small brush, I had to pick up disturbed ink with a paper towel. So I was able to carefully go over areas with just a damp brush to get the ink to lift and make a wash. You can see I also start to add some black around his back foot, leg and front foot. I really like digging in with darks around subjects to set them off, you’ll see it works to my advantage next.
More ink around him done with the brush, ink and water for diluting. See how that big ink spot is getting covered?
Toad #2 finished!
Here he is finished, I layered the ink in and got nice and dark around his body; I like the way it makes him look like he’s coming out of the ground. I edited out the other sketch of a toads head on the paper, just for the final scan. The spot that was on his leg I was able to lift pretty much with water and paper towel. I added white gel pen to his bumps where it was shiny on the photo and finished adding his tiny bumps. Did you know each toad has different bumps? When I compare the two toads they looked so alike, but when you look close you can tell which was which by where their bumps were.
The color photo of this very gorgeous toad!
Above is the photo I worked from, I had to flip the photo to draw him facing a to the right. The photo and drawing also look a bit different because my drawing of him is turned a bit so he’s pointing up more, I liked it better that way. I wanted to share with you his gorgeous colors too and show you how lots of his bumps were a deep sandstone red, like jewels on the ground. It’s all about texture with a toad, that must be why I like drawing them!
I hope you enjoyed this post, as I said it’s been an awfully long time I’ve been away from it and will en-devour to share more soon! Please find me on Instagram at “Mary McAndrew Artist” and Facebook business page is “Mary McAndrew Painting and Illustration”. Please leave me some comments below about toads in your area, are they getting ready to hibernate?
(This post was written on November 19th, 2016, but I never got to post it. Since we’re at that time of year again I guess it’s ok to share it now, better late than never!)
It’s the time of year for mushrooms! Whether you like to forage to eat (not me) or just admire (me), they are popping up everywhere. Now that we’ve had some rains and the ground is getting cold and soggy…I’m seeing them so much more.
Huge old Sycamore (Maple) I admire.
At the top of the lane I like to walk up most days, there’s an especially old huge Sycamore tree I admire. At it’s base are what I think are three different kinds of mushrooms. I tried to go up to draw them the other day but got side tracked with the Brown Trout painting adventure. So this time I went right to them and found a good seat on one of the huge roots.
Drawing with mittens on!
It was really cold just sitting there so I had to do the entire drawing wearing my mittens! I think I did pretty well with that in mind. Also to save time I did not do a pencil sketch first but drew directly with the permanent ink pen. That went ok too!
Look at all these lovely mushrooms!
I love this new (to me) type of mushroom, I like imagining how the top split apart as it grew and expanded, kind of like how the continents split apart a long time ago! Each crispy looking brown shell part tops a bit of the mushroom flesh, making a great three dimensional subject to study.
Side view of one mushroom.
Above shows the side view of one mushroom, you can really see the texture on it’s cap and see it’s ring around the stem like a little collar!
Below you can see how I progressed along, feet getting colder all the time.
My drawing is getting there, just one more mushroom!
I was definitely feeling the cold chill by now, but I really wanted to add one more mushroom behind these.
Mushrooms, brown permanent ink
This is how far I got in the field, I got that last mushroom in! Now when I have time, I’ll add some more details of leaves and grasses…digging into the dark areas a bit. Then I’d really like to add the reddish brown color of the mushrooms using watercolor. We’ll see if I get that far.
Beautiful, I’m guessing at “Shaggy pholiota?
Above is a picture of another mushroom cluster growing under that tree, I’m guessing it’s “Shaggy pholiota” (totally guessing from my small field guide!). It was so wonderful looking in it’s neat little cluster that dispite being very chilled to the bone, I decided to do a quick pencil sketch.
Very quick pencil sketch of mushrooms.
This also was done wearing mittens, it was really hard to do like that and to be very cold at the same time! But maybe I can find time to do up a little watercolor study with it? I loved the texture of these mushrooms, shaggy on top and stem.
Here you can see them growing in the root area.
Here’s a picture of the cluster growing in the root area, and I believe those on the root below it are more mature individuals.
A bright “Yellow Brain Fungus”, (Tremella mesenterica)
This Yellow Brain Fungus I found growing on a stick broken off of the tree. The branch was heavily damp and covered with lichens and dead leaves. When I turned the stick to look at all it’s sides, the fungus flopped about a bit; it was so cool! I laid it back down on the ground, hoping to observe it each time I come back.
Do you see any mushrooms growing where you live? Post me a comment about them and where you are located, you don’t have to know what kind they are, I usually don’t know them either!
I love really old trees. Living here in England I am rich with so many of these wonderful trees. This tree is one that lives at the corner of Edlingham Castle, growing upon what looks like a very old part of the castle. I think some many years ago when the castle was left to ruin, a sapling must have grow up there. The oldest part of the castle was built in the 1300’s and saw many changes over time. I wonder what might be concealed in the rocks all tightly held by this tree’s massive roots? You never know! One thing I know it does have is a geocache that someone hid there, it’s been there years! (oops was I supposed to keep that a secret? 😉 )
My drawing of the tree done in ink and wax crayon.
As I approached the tree, on this sunny May morning, I found a spot in front of it and just plopped down in the grass. I liked the form of the ‘scar’ where a huge limb must have been years ago, I think it was cut off because the area of the cut is so flat. I first sketched it in with an permanent ink pen then used a grey wax crayon to shade in medium values. I like how the two mediums worked together, and they’re easy to carry about in your pocket.
This shows the tree in relation to the castle.
That’s the tree on the left (above), you can see how large it is!
Another view of the castle and the tree on the right, taken in December.
This view of the castle I took in December, on a cold grey day, standing near Edlingham burn.
I hope you enjoyed this brief look at Edlingham Castle and it’s old Ash tree! Please leave me a comment below, love to hear if you have any special old trees in your neighborhood!
This is the White Ermine Moth that came to visit the other night.
This is the White Ermine Moth (Spilosoma lubricepeda) that came to visit us here in Northumberland the other night. What is it about moths that gets my interest so much? There are so many kinds, they hold their wings in different ways and seem to ‘sneak’ into the house and surprise you. This moth has a wonderful ‘Ermine’ fur coat and furry legs. He has long slender antennae with delicate fringe and speckles on it’s wings that are different on every single moth!
Sketching the moth in my little field sketchbook.
I made a simple holding container for when I catch interesting bugs and want to study or draw them. This is just a plastic container from Wilko, I cut a rectangle in the lid and taped some mesh over to cover it. I had a better container before I moved to England made from a clear plastic container, but like so many things I had to leave it behind, so this one will do for now.
Ink studies of White Ermine Moth
First I sketched the moth in pencil, then used permanent ink and erased the lines. I know it would look nice if I did an ink wash around the moth so it will really show how white it is, but this is just a brief study. I feel I have no time for lengthy studies lately! I think when I have some time I’ll go back and put a watercolor wash around the three studies to make them stand out white.
The underside of the White Ermine Moth
This shows the underside of the moth, his little furry black ‘face’ and neat rows of ‘buttons’ down his front! It’s things like that that inspire me to think of drawing little characters! One of these days I’ll make a better container, a jar is also very good to use.
The way he holds his front legs and the ‘fur’ on them and his body reminds me of the beautiful moth I discovered back in NY. Here’s the post I did about it: http://marymcandrew.com/beautiful-wood-nymph-moth-june-2011/ I hope you take a look, it really was a ‘beautiful’ moth!
Click this link to see some really great photos of other White Ermine Moths: https://www.ukmoths.org.uk/species/spilosoma-lubricipeda/ It was this website that helped me to get a positive ID on my moth, but I would have had much trouble doing it if I didn’t already know that it was an Ermine Moth.
In the morning I like to get out for a quick, short walk before I eat my porridge. Sometimes I wander down to Edlingham Castle and the view I sketched above was the view of the church (St. John the Baptist) as you return up the path. I love the way a fenceline can add an elegant curve and show perspective, even when just indicated by little lines like toothpicks.
These are the notes I put on the back of the drawing.
This particular sketchbook is very small, so it’s easy to hold and carry in my pocket. So for the small size I was happy with how the composition turned out.
St. John the Baptist Church from the castle.
This is the church as you approach from the castle. You can see the Butterbur is growing so tall, it loves growing there by the wall!
Here’s a nice view of the church, St. John the Baptist.
Here’s a view of St. John the Baptist Church from July 2015.
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